
This is early access alpha functionality. While usable, this has not yet been tested in a large number of different scenarios. The API is still be subject to change without any prior deprecation notice! If you use this functionality keep a close eye on the changelog for any changes that may affect your analysis.

8. Kymotracking

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Kymographs are a vital tool in understanding binding events on DNA. They are generated using one-dimensional scans over time. Moving particles can then be seen moving along the spatial coordinate in time. It is often desired to track the position of such particles in time. Pylake comes with a few features that enable you to do so.

8.1. Performing the tracking

Performing Kymotracking is usually performed in two steps. Typically, there is an image processing step, following by a tracing step, where the actual traces are found.

8.2. Using the greedy algorithm

First, we need to get an image to perform the tracing on. Let’s grab a kymograph from a Bluelake file:

file = lk.File('kymograph.h5')
name, kymo = file.kymos.popitem()

Let’s have a look at what it looks like:

kymo.plot_green(aspect="auto", vmax=5)

What we also see is that we can clearly see the bead edges in the kymograph. Let’s only take a subsection of the kymograph, to make sure that we don’t get any spurious line detections that come from the bead edges. Let’s only use the region from 7 to 22 micrometer. Let’s have a look at what that looks like:

>>> kymo.plot_green(aspect="auto", vmax=5)
>>> plt.ylim([22, 7])

If we zoom in a bit, we can see that our traces in this image are about 0.3 microns wide, so let’s set this as our line_width. Note that we invoked plt.colorbar() to add a little color legend here.


The peaks have an intensity of about 3-7 photon counts, whereas the background fluctuates around 0-2. Let’s set our pixel_threshold to 3. We also see that sometimes, a particle momentarily disappears. To still connect these in a single trace, we want to allow for some gaps in the connection step. Let’s use a window size of 6 in this test. Considering that we only want to run the kymotracker on part of the image, we also pass the rect argument, which defines a rectangle over which to track peaks. In this case, we track particles between 0 and 350 seconds, and 7 and 22 micron. Running the algorithm is easy using the function track_greedy():

traces = lk.track_greedy(kymo, "green", line_width=0.3, pixel_threshold=3, window=6, rect=[[0, 7], [350, 22]])

The result of tracking is a list of kymograph traces:

>>> print(len(traces))  # the number of traces found in the kymo

Sometimes, we can have very short spurious traces. To remove these from the list of detected traces we can use filter_lines(). To omit all traces with fewer than 4 detected points, we can invoke:

>>> traces = lk.filter_lines(traces, 4)

We can get the determined time and positions of these traces from the seconds and position attributes. Let’s plot the first trace:

plt.plot(traces[0].seconds, traces[0].position)

Plotting all the detected traces is also quite easy by iterating over the list of traces:

for trace in traces:
    plt.plot(trace.seconds, trace.position)

8.3. Localization refinement

8.3.1. Centroid

Once we are happy with the traces found by the algorithm, we may still want to refine them. Since the algorithm finds traces by determining local peaks and stringing these together, it is possible that some scan lines in the kymograph don’t have an explicit point on the trace associated with them. Using refine_lines_centroid() we can refine the traces found by the algorithm. This function interpolates the lines such that each time point gets its own point on the trace. Subsequently, these points are then refined using a brightness weighted centroid. Let’s perform line refinement and plot the longest trace:

longest_trace_idx = np.argmax([len(trace) for trace in traces])  # Get the longest trace

refined = lk.refine_lines_centroid(traces, line_width=4)

plt.plot(refined[longest_trace_idx].seconds, refined[longest_trace_idx].position, '.')
plt.plot(traces[longest_trace_idx].seconds, traces[longest_trace_idx].position, '.')
plt.legend(["Post refinement", "Pre-refinement"])
plt.ylabel('Position [um]')
plt.xlabel('Time [s]')

We can see now that a few points were added post refinement (shown in blue). The others remain unchanged, since we used the same line_width.

Fortunately, the signal to noise level in this kymograph is quite good. In practice, when the signal to noise is lower, one will have to resort to some fine tuning of the algorithm parameters over different regions of the kymograph to get an acceptable result.

8.3.2. Maximum Likelihood Estimation

The function refine_lines_gaussian() instead uses an MLE optimization of a Poisson likelihood with a Gaussian expectation to characterize both the expected peak shape and photonic noise of the observed signal, adapted from [MCSF10]. For each frame in the kymograph, we fit a small region around the tracked peak to the data by maximizing the following likelihood function:

\[\mathcal{L(\theta)} = \prod_i^M e^{-E_i(\theta)} \frac{E_i(\theta)^{n_i}}{n_i!}\]

where \(\theta\) represents the parameters to be fitted, \(M\) is the number of pixels to be fit and \(n_i\) and \(E_i(\theta)\) are the observed photon count and expectation value for pixel \(i\). The shape of the peak is described with a Gaussian expectation function

\[E_i(\theta) = \frac{N a}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} \exp \left[ \frac{-(x_i-\mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2} \right] + b\]

Here \(N\) is the total photons emitted in the fitted image (line), \(a\) is the pixel size, \(\mu\) is the peak center, \(x_i\) is the pixel center position, \(\sigma^2\) is the variance, and \(b\) is the background level in photons/pixel.

This function is called in a similar manner as the centroid refinement:

refined = lk.refine_lines_centroid(traces, window=3, refine_missing_frames=True, overlap_strategy="skip")

The number of pixels to be included in the fit is determined by the window argument, with a total size of 2*window+1 pixels. The exact value of this parameter is dependent on the quality of the data and should be balanced between including enough pixels to fully capture the peak lineshape while avoiding overlap with other traces or spurious high-photon count pixels due to noise or background. The effect of different window sizes are demonstrated in the following figure:


As noted in the above section, there may be intermediate frames which were not tracked in the original trace. As with the centroid fitting, we can optionally interpolate an initial guess for these frames before the Gaussian refinement by setting the argument refine_missing_frames=True. It should be noted, however, that frames with low photons counts (for instance due to fluorophore blinking) may not be well fit by this algorithm.

Additionally, the presence of a nearby trace wherein the sampled pixels of the two traces overlap may interfere with the refinement algorithm. How the algorithm handles this situation is determined by the overlap_strategy argument. Setting overlap_strategy="ignore" simply ignores the situation and fits the data. A problem with the refinement in this case will manifest as the peak of the second trace is found rather than that of the current trace. Sometimes this can be avoided by decreasing the size of the window argument such that overlap no longer occurs. Alternatively we can simply ignore these frames by using overlap_strategy="skip", in which case these frames are simply dropped from the trace.

There is also an optional keyword argument initial_sigma that can be used to pass an initial guess for \(\sigma\) in micrometers in the above expectation equation to the optimizer. The default value is 1.1*pixel_size.

8.4. Using the kymotracker widget

Using the algorithm purely by function calls can be challenging if not all parts of the kymograph look the same or when the signal to noise ratio is somewhat low. To help with this, we included a kymotracking widget that can help you track subsections of the kymograph and iteratively tweak the algorithm parameters as you do so. You can open this widget by invoking the following command:

kymowidget = lk.KymoWidgetGreedy(kymo, "green")

You can optionally also pass algorithm parameters when opening the widget:

KymoWidgetGreedy(kymo, "green", axis_aspect_ratio=2, min_length=4, pixel_threshold=3, window=6, sigma=0.14)

You can also change the range of each of the algorithm parameter sliders. To do this, simply pass a dictionary where the key indicates the algorithm parameter and the value contains its desired range in the form (minimum bound, maximum bound). For example:

KymoWidgetGreedy(kymo, "green", axis_aspect_ratio=2, slider_ranges={"window": (0, 8)})

Traced lines are accessible through the .lines property:

>>> lines = kymowidget.lines

For more information on its use, please see the example Analyzing Cas9 binding to DNA.

8.5. Using the lines algorithm

The second algorithm present is an algorithm that works purely on signal derivative information. It works by blurring the image, and then performing sub-pixel accurate line detection. It can be a bit more robust to low signal levels, but is generally less temporally and spatially accurate due to the blurring involved:

traces = lk.track_lines(kymo, "green", line_width=0.3, max_lines=50)

The interface is mostly the same, aside from an extra required parameter named max_lines which indicates the maximum number of lines we want to detect.

8.6. Extracting summed intensities

Sometimes, it can be desirable to extract pixel intensities in a region around our kymograph trace. We can quite easily extract these using the method sample_from_image(). For instance, if we want to sum the pixels in a 11 pixel area around the longest kymograph trace, we can invoke:

longest_trace_idx = np.argmax([len(trace) for trace in traces])
longest_trace = traces[longest_trace_idx]
plt.plot(longest_trace.seconds, longest_trace.sample_from_image(num_pixels=5))
plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
plt.ylabel('Summed signal')

Here num_pixels is the number of pixels to sum on either side of the trace.


8.7. Exporting kymograph traces

Exporting kymograph traces to csv files is easy. Just invoke save on the returned value:


We can also save photon counts by passing a width in pixels to sum counts over:

traces.save("traces_calibrated.csv", sampling_width=3)

8.8. How the algorithms work


The first method implemented for performing such a tracking is based on [SK05][MPP16]. It starts by performing peak detection, performing a grey dilation on the image, and detection which pixels remain unchanged. Peaks that fall below a certain intensity threshold are discarded. Since this peak detection operates at a pixel granularity, it is followed up by a refinement step to attain subpixel accuracy. This refinement is performed by computing an offset from a brightness-weighted centroid in a small neighborhood w around the pixel.

\[offset = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i^2 < w^2} i I(x + i)\]

Where m is given by:

\[m = \sum_{i^2 < w^2} I(x + i)\]

After peak detection the feature points are linked together using a forward search analogous to [MPP16]. This is in contrast with the linking algorithm in [SK05] which uses a graph-based optimization approach. This linking step traverses the kymograph, tracing particles starting from each frame.

  • The algorithm starts at time frame one (the first pixel column).
  • It selects the peak with the highest pixel intensity and initiates the first trace.
  • Next, it evaluates the subsequent frame, and computes a connection score for each peak in the next frame (to be specified in more detail later).
  • If a peak is found with an acceptable score, the peak is added to the trace.
  • When no more candidates are available we look in the next window frames to see if we can find an acceptable peak there, following the same procedure.
  • Once no more candidates are found in the next window frames, the trace is terminated and we proceed by initiating a new trace from the peak which is now the highest.
  • Once there are no more peaks in the frame from which we are currently initiating traces, we start initiating traces from the next frame. This process is continued until there are no more peaks left to trace.

The score function is based on a prediction of where we expect future peaks. Based on the peak location of the tip of the trace x and a velocity v, it computes a predicted position over time. The score function assumes a Gaussian uncertainty around that prediction, placing the mean of that uncertainty on the predicted extrapolation. The width of this uncertainty is given by a base width (provided as sigma) and a growing uncertainty over time given by a diffusion rate. This results in the following model for the connection score.

\[S(x, t) = N\left(x + v t, \sigma_{base} + \sigma_{diffusion} \sqrt{t}\right).\]

Here N refers to a normal distribution. In addition to the model, we also have to set a cutoff, after which we deem peaks to be so unlikely to be connected that they shouldn’t be. By default, this cutoff is set at two sigma. Scores outside this cutoff are set to zero which means they will not be accepted as a new point.


The second algorithm is an algorithm that looks for curvilinear structures in an image. This method is based on sections 1, 2 and 3 from [Ste98]. This method attempts to find lines purely based on the derivatives of the image. It blurs the image based with a user specified line width and then attempts to find curvilinear sections.

Based on the second derivatives of the blurred image, a Hessian matrix is constructed. This Hessian matrix is decomposed using an eigenvector decomposition to obtain the perpendicular and tangent directions to the line. To attain subpixel accuracy, the maximum is computed perpendicular to the line using a local Taylor expansion. This expansion provides an offset on the pixel position. When this offset falls within the pixel, then this point is considered to be part of a line. If it falls outside the pixel, then it is not a line.

This provides a narrow mask, which can be traced. Whenever ambiguity arises on which point to connect next, a score comprised of the distance to the next subpixel minimum and angle between the successive normal vectors is computed. The candidate with the lowest score is then selected.

Since this algorithm is specifically looking for curvilinear structures, it can have issues with structures that are more blob-like (such as short-lived fluorescent events) or diffusive traces, where the particle moves randomly rather than in a uniform direction.

8.9. Studying diffusion processes

To study diffusive processes we can make use of the Mean Squared Displacement (MSD). There are multiple ways to estimate this quantity. We use the following estimator:

\[\hat{\rho}[n] = \frac{1}{N - n} \sum_{i=1}^{N-n}\left(x_{i+n} - x_{i}\right)^2\]

where \(\hat{\rho}[n]\) corresponds to the estimate of the MSD for lag \(n\), \(N\) is the number of time points in the tracked line, and \(x_i\) is the trace position at time frame \(i\).

What we can see in this definition is that it uses the same data points several times, thereby resulting in a well averaged estimate. However, the downside of this estimator is that the calculated values are highly correlated [QSE91][Mic10][MB12] which needs to be accounted for in subsequent analyses.

In the following, we’ll use three simulated KymoLine instances of length 62 based on a diffusion constant of 10.0.

With Pylake, we can calculate the MSD from a KymoLine with a single command:


This returns a tuple of lags and MSD estimates. If we only wish MSDs up to a certain lag, we can provide a max_lag argument:

>>> kymolines[0].msd(mag_lag = 5)
(array([0.16, 0.32, 0.48, 0.64, 0.8 ]), array([12.48593965, 16.34844311, 17.21359513, 27.25210869, 32.34473104]))

MSDs are typically used to calculate diffusion constants. With pure diffusive motion (a complete absence of drift) in an isotropic medium, 1-dimensional MSDs can be fitted by the following relation:

\[\rho[n] = 2 D n \Delta t + offset\]

where \(D\) is the diffusion constant in \(um^2/s\), \(\Delta t\) is the time step, \(n\) is the step index and the offset is determined by the localization accuracy:

\[offset = 2 \sigma^2 - 4 R D \Delta t\]

where \(\sigma\) is the static localization accuracy, \(R\) is a motion blur constant and \(\Delta t\) represents the time step.

While it may be tempting to use a large number of MSDs in the diffusion estimation procedure, this actually produces poor estimates of the diffusion constant [QSE91][Mic10][MB12]. There exists an optimal number of lags to fit such that the estimation error is minimal. This optimal number of lags depends on the ratio between the diffusion constant and the dynamic localization accuracy:

\[\epsilon_{localization} = \frac{offset}{slope} = \frac{2 \sigma^2 - 4 R D \Delta t}{2 D \Delta t} = \frac{\sigma^2}{D \Delta t} - 2 R\]

When localization is infinitely accurate, the optimal number of points is two [Mic10]. At the optimal number of lags, it doesn’t matter whether we use a weighted or unweighted least squares algorithm to fit the curve [Mic10], and therefore we opt for the latter, analogously to [MB12]. With Pylake, you can obtain an estimated diffusion constant by invoking:

>>> kymolines[0].estimate_diffusion_ols()

Let’s get diffusion constants for all three KymoLine instances:

>>> [kymoline.estimate_diffusion_ols() for kymoline in kymolines]
[7.386961688211464, 9.052904296390873, 11.551531668363802]

We can see that there is considerable variation in the estimates, which is unfortunately typical for diffusion coefficient estimates. By default, estimate_diffusion_ols will use the optimal number of lags as specified in [MB12]. You can however, override this optimal number of lags, by specifying a max_lag parameter:

>>> [kymoline.estimate_diffusion_ols(max_lag=30) for kymoline in kymolines]
[3.064522711727202, 1.7564518650402365, 1.9175754533226452]

Note however, that this will likely degrade your estimate. We can also plot the MSD estimates:

[kymoline.plot_msd(marker='.') for kymoline in kymolines]

By default, this will use the optimal number of lags (which in this case seems to be around 3-4), but once again a max_lag parameter can be specified to plot a larger number of lags:

[kymoline.plot_msd(max_lag=100, marker='.') for kymoline in kymolines]

It’s not hard to see from this graph why taking too many lags results in unacceptably large variances.

8.10. Dwelltime analysis

The lifetime of the bound state(s) can be determined using KymoLineGroup.fit_binding_times(). This method defines the bound dwelltime as the length of each tracked line (in seconds). The lifetimes are then determined using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) [KJC+19][WLG+16]. The number of exponential components to be used for the fit is chosen with the n_components argument.

The likelihood \(\mathcal{L}\) is defined for a mixture of exponential distributions as:

\[\mathcal{L} = \prod_j^T \left[ \frac{1}{N} \sum_i^M \frac{a_i}{\tau_i} \exp{\left( \frac{-t_j}{\tau_i} \right)} \right]\]

where \(T\) is the number of observed dwell times, \(M\) is the number of exponential components, \(t\) is time, \(\tau_i\) is the lifetime of component \(i\), and \(a_i\) is the fractional contribution of component \(i\) under the constraint of \(\sum_i^M a_i = 1\). The normalization constant \(N\) is defined as:

\[N = \sum_i^M a_i \left[ \exp{ \left( \frac{-t_{min}}{\tau_i} \right)} - \exp{ \left( \frac{-t_{max}}{\tau_i} \right)} \right]\]

where \(t_{min}\) and \(t_{max}\) are the minimum and maximum possible observation times.

The normalization constant takes into account the minimum and maximum possible observation times of a track. Note that when \(t_{min}=0\) and \(t_{max}=\infty\), \(N=1\). However, for real experimental data, there are physical limitations on the measurement times (such as pixel integration time). Additionally, the minimum length of tracked lines here is dependent on the specific input parameters used for the tracking algorithm. Therefore, in order to estimate these bounds, the method uses the shortest track time and the length of the experiment, respectively.

First let’s try to fit the dwelltime distribution to a single exponential (the simplest case). To do this we simply call:

dwell_1 = traces.fit_binding_times(n_components=1)

This returns a BindingDwelltimes object which contains information about the optimized model. We can visually inspect the result with:


The bin_spacing argument can be either "log" or "linear" and controls the spacing of the bin edges. The scale of the x- and y-axes can be controlled with the optional xscale and yscale arguments; if they are not specified the default visualization is lin-lin for bin_spacing="linear" and lin-log for bin_spacing="log".

You can optionally pass the number of bins to be plotted as n_bins. Note that the number of bins is purely for visualization purposes; the model is optimized directly on the unbinned dwelltimes. This is the main advantage of the MLE method over analyses that use a least squares fitting to binned data, where the bin widths and number of bins can drastically affect the optimized parameters.

We can clearly see that this distribution is not fit well by a single exponential decay. Let’s now see what a double exponential distribution looks like:

dwell_2 = traces.fit_binding_times(n_components=2)

Here we see that the double exponential fit visually looks better and the log likelihood is also higher than that for the single exponential fit. However, the log likelihood does not take into account model complexity, and will always increase for a model with more degrees of freedom. Instead, we can look at the Bayesian Information Criterion or Akaike Information Criterion to determine which model is better:

>>> print(dwell_1.bic, dwell_1.aic)
532.3299315589168  529.0366267341923

>>> print(dwell_2.bic, dwell_2.aic)
520.4562630650156  510.5763485908421

These information criterion values weight the log likelihood with the model complexity, and as such are more useful for model selection. In general, the model with the lowest value is optimal. We can see that both values are lower for the double exponential model, indicating that it is a better fit to the data.

We can see this effect if we purposely overfit the data. The following plot shows the result of fitting simulated data (randomly sampled from a single exponential distribution) with either a one- or two-component model. In the figure legends we see that the log likelihood decreases slightly for the two-component model because of the larger degrees of freedom. However, the BIC for the one-component model is indeed lower, as expected:


Going back to our experimental data, we can next attempt to estimate confidence intervals (CI) for the parameters using bootstrapping. Here, a random dataset with the same size as the original is sampled (with replacement) from the original dataset. This sampled dataset is then fit using the MLE method, just as for the original dataset. The fit results in a new estimate for the model parameters. This process is repeated many times, and the distribution of the resulting parameters can be analyzed to estimate certain statistics about the them:


Here we see the distributions of the bootstrapped parameters. The vertical lines indicate the means of the distributions, while the red area indicates the estimated confidence intervals. The alpha argument determines the CI that is estimated as 100*(1-alpha) % CI; in this case we’re showing the estimate for the 95% CI. The values for the lower and upper bounds are the 100*(alpha/2) and 100*(1-alpha/2) percentiles of the distributions.

Note, however, that while the means correspond well with the optimized model parameters, the distributions are not symmetric. In such a case, the simple method of using percentiles as CI values may not be appropriate. For more advanced analysis, the distribution values are directly available through the properties BindingDwelltimes.bootstrap.amplitude_distributions and BindingDwelltimes.bootstrap.lifetime_distributions which return the data as a numpy array with shape [# components, # bootstrap samples].