API Reference

This detailed reference lists all the classes and functions contained in the package. If you are just looking to get started, read the Tutorial first.

File(filename) A convenient HDF5 file wrapper for reading data exported from Bluelake
channel.Slice(data_source[, labels, calibration]) A lazily evaluated slice of a timeline/HDF5 channel
fdcurve.FdCurve(file, start, stop, name[, …]) An FD curve exported from Bluelake
kymo.Kymo(name, file, start, stop, json[, …]) A Kymograph exported from Bluelake
scan.Scan(name, file, start, stop, json) A confocal scan exported from Bluelake
point_scan.PointScan(name, file, start, …) A confocal point scan exported from Bluelake
correlated_stack.CorrelatedStack(image_name) CorrelatedStack acquired with Bluelake.

Force calibration

calculate_power_spectrum(data, sample_rate) Compute power spectrum and returns it as a PowerSpectrum.
fit_power_spectrum(power_spectrum, model[, …]) Power Spectrum Calibration
PassiveCalibrationModel(bead_diameter[, …]) Model to fit data acquired during passive calibration.
force_calibration.power_spectrum.PowerSpectrum(…) Power spectrum data for a time series.
force_calibration.power_spectrum_calibration.CalibrationResults(…) Power spectrum calibration results.

FD Fitting

fitting.model.Model(name, model_function[, …])
FdFit(*models) Object which is used for fitting.
parameter_trace(model, params, …) Invert a model with respect to one parameter.

Available models

force_offset(name) Offset on the the model output.
distance_offset(name) Offset on the the model output.
marko_siggia_ewlc_force(name) Marko Siggia’s Worm-like Chain model with force as dependent parameter.
marko_siggia_ewlc_distance(name) Marko Siggia’s Worm-like Chain model with distance as dependent parameter.
marko_siggia_simplified(name) Marko Siggia’s Worm-like Chain model based on only entropic contributions (valid for F << 10 pN).
inverted_marko_siggia_simplified(name) Marko Siggia’s Worm-like Chain model based on only entropic contributions (valid for F << 10 pN).
odijk(name) Odijk’s Extensible Worm-Like Chain model with distance as dependent variable (useful for 10 pN < F < 30 pN).
inverted_odijk(name) Odijk’s Extensible Worm-Like Chain model with force as dependent variable (useful for 10 pN < F < 30 pN).
freely_jointed_chain(name) Freely-Jointed Chain with distance as dependent parameter.
inverted_freely_jointed_chain(name) Inverted Freely-Jointed Chain with force as dependent parameter.
twistable_wlc(name) Twistable Worm-like Chain model.
inverted_twistable_wlc(name) Twistable Worm-like Chain model.


kymotracker.kymoline.KymoLine(time_idx, …) A line on a kymograph
track_greedy(kymograph, channel, line_width, …) Track particles on an image using a greedy algorithm.
track_lines(kymograph, channel, line_width, …) Track particles on an image using an algorithm that looks for line-like structures.
filter_lines(lines, minimum_length) Remove lines below a specific minimum number of points from the list.
refine_lines_centroid(lines, line_width) Refine the lines based on the brightness-weighted centroid.
refine_lines_gaussian(lines, window, …[, …]) Refine the lines by gaussian peak MLE.
kymotracker.detail.binding_times.BindingDwelltimes(…) Results of exponential mixture model optimization for binding dwelltimes.
kymotracker.detail.binding_times.BindingDwelltimesBootstrap(…) Bootstrap distributions for a binding dwelltime model.

Notebook widgets

FdDistanceRangeSelector(fd_curves[, max_gap])

Population Dynamics

GaussianMixtureModel(data, n_states, …) A wrapper around scikit-learn’s GMM.