
class CorrelatedStack(image_name, align=True)

CorrelatedStack acquired with Bluelake. Bluelake can export stacks of images to various formats. These can be opened and correlated to timeline data using CorrelatedStack.

image_name : str

Filename for the image stack. Typically a TIFF file recorded from a camera in Bluelake.

align : bool

If enabled, multi-channel images will be reconstructed from the image alignment metadata from Bluelake. The default value is True.


from lumicks import pylake

# Loading a stack.
stack = pylake.CorrelatedStack("example.tiff")

# Making a plot where force is correlated to images in the stack.
file = pylake.File("example.h5")

# Determine the force trace averaged over frame 2...9.
__init__(image_name, align=True)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(image_name[, align]) Initialize self.
export_tiff(file_name[, roi]) Export a video of a particular scan plot
from_data(data[, name, start_idx, stop_idx]) Construct CorrelatedStack from image stack object
plot([frame, channel, show_title]) Plot image from image stack
plot_correlated(channel_slice[, frame, …]) Downsample channel on a frame by frame basis and plot the results.


num_frames Number of frames in the stack.
raw Raw frame data.
start Starting time stamp of the stack.
stop Final time stamp of the stack.
timestamps List of time stamps.

All indexing is in frames

export_tiff(file_name, roi=None)

Export a video of a particular scan plot

file_name : str

File name to export to.

roi : list_like

region of interest in pixel values [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]

classmethod from_data(data, name=None, start_idx=0, stop_idx=None)

Construct CorrelatedStack from image stack object

data : TiffStack

TiffStack object.

name : str

Plot label of the correlated stack

start_idx : int

Index at the first frame.

stop_idx: int

Index beyond the last frame.

plot(frame=0, channel='rgb', show_title=True, **kwargs)

Plot image from image stack

frame : int, optional

Index of the frame to plot.

channel : ‘rgb’, ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘blue’, None; optional

Channel to plot for RGB images (None defaults to ‘rgb’) Not used for grayscale images

show_title : bool, optional

Controls display of auto-generated plot title


Forwarded to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow().

plot_correlated(channel_slice, frame=0, reduce=<function mean>, channel='rgb')

Downsample channel on a frame by frame basis and plot the results. The downsampling function (e.g. np.mean) is evaluated for the time between a start and end time of a frame. Note: In environments which support interactive figures (e.g. jupyter notebook with ipywidgets or interactive python) this plot will be interactive.

channel_slice :

Data slice that we with to downsample.

frame : int

Frame to show.

reduce : callable

The function which is going to reduce multiple samples into one. The default is numpy.mean(), but numpy.sum() could also be appropriate for some cases e.g. photon counts.

channel : ‘rgb’, ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘blue’, None; optional

Channel to plot for RGB images (None defaults to ‘rgb’) Not used for grayscale images


from lumicks import pylake

file = pylake.File("example.h5")
stack = pylake.CorrelatedStack("example.tiff")
stack.plot_correlated(file.force1x, frame=5)

Number of frames in the stack.


Raw frame data.


Starting time stamp of the stack.


Final time stamp of the stack.


List of time stamps.